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California Gender Pay Gap Lawyers

We have handled many cases involving claims for unpaid wages. If your employer has failed to comply with vital workplace protections regarding your pay or time worked, the law is on your side.

Gender Pay Gaps & Salary Gap Violatinos Come In Many Forms

In California, there are robust laws and regulations designed to address and eliminate gender pay gaps. The state has been at the forefront in promoting equal pay and ensuring that employees receive equal compensation for substantially similar work, regardless of gender. Here are some key aspects of California’s employee rights concerning the gender pay gap:

  • California Equal Pay Act: Revised and strengthened over time, the California Equal Pay Act requires employers to provide equal pay to employees who perform “substantially similar work” when viewed as a composite of skill, effort, and responsibility, and performed under similar working conditions. This law applies not only to gender but also to race and ethnicity.
  • Salary History Ban: To help address the gender pay gap, California has implemented a salary history ban which prohibits employers from asking job applicants about their salary history. This law aims to ensure that salary offers are based on the job and the applicant’s qualifications, not past earnings, which may reflect historical pay inequalities.
  • Pay Transparency: California employers are also required to provide pay scales to applicants upon reasonable request and must maintain records of job titles and wage rates. This transparency helps to identify and address potentially discriminatory pay practices.
  • Right to Discuss Pay: Employees in California have the right to discuss their wages with others, and employers cannot retaliate against employees for engaging in such discussions. This openness is intended to help identify and rectify unfair pay practices.
  • Legal Recourse: Employees who believe they are being paid less due to their gender can file a complaint with the California Labor Commissioner’s Office or can pursue private legal action against their employer. Remedies may include compensation for the pay differential, legal fees, and other damages.

These provisions reflect California’s commitment to reducing the gender pay gap and promoting workplace equality. Employers in the state are encouraged to regularly audit their pay practices to ensure compliance with these laws.

Our Approach

Our Practices are Guided by Integrity. We’ll protect what you deserve.

We work tirelessly and fight tenaciously to hold rights abusers accountable.

If you’ve experienced a distressing incident related to an issue like this, call us for a free case evaluation.

Did You Know?

Pay Gaps
California law mandates equal pay for employees performing substantially similar work, irrespective of gender, race, or ethnicity, and prohibits salary history inquiries to combat the gender pay gap.
Gender Gap Laws
California's gender gap laws require equal pay for substantially similar work across all genders and ban salary history inquiries to help eliminate pay disparities.

Is It Illegal, or Just Unfair?

Legal cases can be lengthy, complicated, and confusing, but you don’t have to take on the system all by yourself. If you believe someone has violated your individual rights, or the rights of a large group of people in your community, we can help you find the right course of action.

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