No Charge Unless We Win: 855-950-5727
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Contact Our Orange County Lawyers

Experienced Orange County Employment Attorneys Fighting on Your Side

Is It Illegal, or Just Unfair?

Legal cases can be lengthy, complicated, and confusing, but you don’t have to take on the system all by yourself. If you believe someone has violated your individual rights, or the rights of a large group of people in your community, we can help you find the right course of action.

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Frequently Asked Questions

We will never charge for a consultation.

We never charge by the hour. Rather, we only recover if your case is successfully resolved.
Absolutely. We will not disclose any of your confidential information without your express permission.
Yes, all new cases are evaluated by our team of attorneys.
While we cannot make any guarantees about how your particular employer will respond to your lawsuit, California law protects employees from retaliation for suing their employers.
It really depends on the case. While we have cases that are successfully resolved in a matter of weeks, other cases can go on for quite a while, particularly if they involve appeals.
While it is not always the case, our clients may be required to testify in court or in a deposition.