“Million Dollar Baby” – Pregnant Worker Files Discrimination Lawsuit against Zendesk
September 29, 2021 “We call your baby the million-dollar baby because you lost out on a million dollars of wages since you took a full maternity leave,” chided Zendesk Director Matt Ingebrigtsen on a team video conference. This was just one of many harassing comments hurled at his female subordinate after learning that she was […]
What is a Qui Tam Lawsuit, and How Does it Apply to an Employee?
What is a qui tam Lawsuit? The term “qui tam” (pronounced kee-tam) finds its origin in a Latin phrase that roughly means “who as well for the king as for himself sues in this matter.” The term describes a cause of action where a private citizen, also known as a “whistleblower” or “relator,” brings a […]
Employment Law – Legislative Roundup
Drama and suspense ran high as lawmakers worked through the weekend until midnight last month to meet the August 31st deadline and pass bills for this year’s legislative cycle. Last-minute negotiations resulted in promising movement on important workers’ rights issues, including compensation, paid sick days, and family leave, but also gave rise to counter-measures from […]