Commemorating Women’s Equality Day in California Through the Lens of Employment Laws
As August 26th approaches, we prepare to honor Women’s Equality Day, an occasion that reminds us of the strides made in the fight for gender parity. At Matern Law Group, we champion workplace equality for all under the ambit of California’s robust employment laws. A Historical Milestone for Progress Women’s Equality Day commemorates the passage […]
Equal Pay Day & The Equal Pay Act
Equal Pay Day Equal Pay Day is an annual event that highlights the ongoing wage gap between men and women. It is observed in the United States and other countries around the world on different dates each year, depending on how long it takes women to earn the same amount of money that men earned […]
Women’s Soccer Team Wins Battle for Equal Pay
Background In 2019, the USWNT sued the U.S. Soccer Federation on the grounds of gender discrimination, claiming that they performed the same job as the men’s team, and for the same employer, but received significantly lower compensation. To highlight their hard work, the women’s team stated that they have outperformed their male counterparts by winning […]
Is Your Male Colleague Paid More for the Same Work?
The federal and California Equal Pay Acts require that men and women in the same workplace be given equal pay for equal work. Despite this requirement, women working full-time, year-round only make 83 cents for every dollar men make. When all workers are considered, including those working part-time, the gap increases to 73 cents on […]
What is California Equal Pay? Who Does it Include?
Did you know that pay disparities cause working women in California to lose over $33 billion each year?1 This problem is even worse for women of color. In 2015, Governor Brown noted that, “Sixty-six years after passage of the California Equal Pay Act, many women still earn less money than men doing the same or […]
Employment Law – Legislative Roundup
Drama and suspense ran high as lawmakers worked through the weekend until midnight last month to meet the August 31st deadline and pass bills for this year’s legislative cycle. Last-minute negotiations resulted in promising movement on important workers’ rights issues, including compensation, paid sick days, and family leave, but also gave rise to counter-measures from […]
Equal Pay for Women in California
Did you know that women still earn, on average, only 80 percent of what men do? Fortunately, California is leading the way when it comes to laws designed to close the gender wage gap. What is the Gender Pay Gap? In 2017, the Los Angeles Times reported that women who live in California and work […]