Bakersfield law provides some of the strongest workplace protections in the nation but it takes an experienced attorney to help you fight for your rights.
Harassment is inappropriate or offensive conduct that is severe or pervasive enough to alter an employee’s working conditions. Harassment in the Bakersfield workplace is illegal where is it based one of the factors listed below.
These are various types of harassment that are prohibited by Bakersfield law:
If you have experienced harassment related to your gender, sex, or gender identity you may be a victim of gender harassment and protected under federal laws.
Gender harassment, or gender-based harassment, occurs when a person harasses another based on their gender or gender identity. The harassment does not need to be based on anything of a sexual nature. Instead, gender harassment usually involves stereotypes based on the roles and functions associated with a particular gender.
Workplace gender harassment laws are similar to Title IX laws, which prevent gender harassment and discrimination in school settings. In an employment and work setting, gender harassment can occur between co-workers, between a supervisor and a subordinate, and in various other settings.
In United States labor law, a hostile work environment exists when one’s behavior within a workplace creates an environment that is difficult or uncomfortable for another person to work in due to discrimination. Common complaints in sexual harassment lawsuits include fondling, suggestive remarks, sexually-suggestive photos displayed in the workplace, use of sexual language, or off-color jokes. Small issues, annoyances, and isolated incidents typically are not considered to be illegal.
To be unlawful, the conduct must create a work environment that would be intimidating, hostile, or offensive to a reasonable person. An employer can be held liable for failing to prevent these workplace conditions, unless it can prove that it attempted to prevent the harassment and that the employee failed to take advantage of existing harassment counter-measures or tools provided by the employer.
The Latin term quid pro quo translates to “something for something.”
Therefore, quid pro quo harassment occurs in the workplace when a manager or other authority figure offers or merely hints that he or she will give the employee something (a raise or a promotion) in return for that employee’s satisfaction of a sexual demand. This also occurs when a manager or other authority figure says he or she will not fire or reprimand an employee in exchange for some type of sexual favor.
A job applicant also may be the subject of this kind of harassment if the hiring decision was based on the acceptance or rejection of sexual advances.
Workplace sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances or conduct of a sexual nature which unreasonably interferes with the performance of a person’s job or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment.
Sexual harassment can range from persistent offensive sexual jokes to inappropriate touching to posting offensive material on a bulletin board. Sexual harassment at work is a serious problem and can happen to both women and men.
Both state and federal laws protect employees from sexual harassment at work. Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. While Title VII is the base level for sexual harassment claims, states have sexual harassment laws which may be even more strict. Check the laws of your state for more information.
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If you’ve experienced a distressing incident related to an issue like this, call us for a free case evaluation.
Legal cases can be lengthy, complicated, and confusing. We understand how difficult it is for an individual to navigate the California courts and legal system to redress violations faced at work. That’s why our experienced Bakersfield harassment lawyers will be your partners so you don’t have to take on the system all by yourself. We take the time to understand your predicament, do the legwork to investigate your employer, gather all the necessary information, and advocate for you tirelessly.
If you believe someone has violated your individual rights or the rights of a group of people in your community, we can help you find the right course of action. Our team of Bakersfield workplace harassment lawyers will help you understand your rights and take action. At Matern Law Group, we believe in neighbors helping neighbors. Let us put our legal knowledge and experience to work on your behalf.
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